A timeline of the most important events in the history of the Association (for Conferences texts see Archives)
La VF in famiglia
Il 1°maggio in Alta Lunigiana!
I Love VF-Vaud 9.19
10.10.2020 Bari AEVF-AIVF
- 29.2. AIVF gives way to CIVIF (Comité International VF)
- 10.10. Bari: AEVF + AIVF
- 14- 15 + 21-22.9. Walking days “I love Via Francigena-Vaud-CH”: Festival VF 2019
- May 1st at the Cisa Pass: hike with families on the historic VF!
- 5-7.4 Paris: Forum des pèlerinages with the first participation by AIVF
- 21.3. Project submitted for the “Percorso storico-Variante dei Laghi” (sole sponsor: AIVF) for the big parks of Bracciano-Martignano and de Veio!
- 6.4. Founding of the Italian-Swiss association Friends of the Via Francisca del Lucomagno (VFL)
- 6.5. Conclusion to AIVF 20-year Jubilee with last stage of the VFL and arrival in Pavia with 100 people, unthinkable 3 years ago!
- 20.5. new App Dormi Topo Francigena GSB-Rome by Innovation Engineering
- 9-10.6 Event AEVF-AIVF Via storica Jougne-Orbe after 10 years recognized
- 20.7. Sigeric’s VF: 3 days between Pontarlier and Lausanne (70 km) by AIVF
- 31.12. AMIS number 2,687 from 29 countries Letter 2018 to the AMIS
Pontarlier-Lausanne 3 days
Jougne 1545
Konstanz – Disentis 2017
Segnaletica urbana Varese
Fondazione Besso 2.5.17
Segnaletica Montelungo
- 22.2. General Assembly AIVF: Statutes 9.1997 updated with new Costitution
- 24.3. Constance-D cathedral: inauguration “Via Francisca del Lucomagno (AVL)” to Disentis in 4 weekends
- 29.3. Search and clean the Via Francigena of Leonardo in Montelungo-Pontremoli
- 14.3. Varese: city signposting Via Francisca Lucomagno (VFL)
- 2.5. Roma Fondazione Besso: Journée d’Etude “La Via Francigena attraverso l’ Agro Veientano – Archeologia, Arte e Paesaggio tra Valorizzazione e Sviluppo“
- 10.5. New Shop online
- 31.12. AMIS number 2504 from 28 countries Letter 2017 to the AMIS
- 10.2. Creation of medal with St Peter’s keys for Rome pilgrim’s backpack commissioned to prison Don Bosco-Pisa by AIVF
- 30.3. Ass. VF Alta Lunigiana-Montelungo begins the clearing of the historic VF from the Cisa Pass to Pontremoli
- 18.4. Creation of Rome pilgrim’s badge
- 20.4. Lavena-Ponte Tresa: Presentation to press: Via del Lucomagno
- 30.4. Ganna-Varese: 1st event La Via Francisca del Lucomagno-Lukmanier (forge de Ghirla, conference S. Gemolo, polenta)
- 31.12. AMIS number 2318 from 27 countries Letter 2016 to the FRIENDS
New Cisa – Pontremoli 2016
lavori francigena Cisa
Spilla con chiavi S.Pietro
Ganna invito
Abbadia S. Salvatore
Logoband 2015
Crêt-Bérard 2015a
Abbadia SS – v. di Crinale
Zerbolo chiesa
- 2014-2015 Historic alternatives with GPS in the Aosta Valley, Piemonte, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria, Tuscany, Latium
- 28.04. Rome Besso Foundation Conference Origins and development of VF network by A.T.
- 25.05. APP for DorMi ToPo Francigena Grand St. Bernard (GSB)-Rome
- 25.06. Yverdon-les-Bains Table Ronde VF Echanges entre partenaires touristiques suisses + italiens: D. Faesch-Tourisme Vaud-Nord
- 27.06. General Assembly (GA) of the Associazione Europea Vie Francigene (AEVF) in St-Maurice-CH for the 1500th anniversary of the Abbey d’Agaune: AIVF invited
- 14-19.07. 1st spiritual pilgrimage in canton Vaud-CH from Romainmôtier, AIVF + Crêt-Berard Foundation
- 07.09 Creation of reflective band Omnes viae Romam perducunt
- 14.10. 2,000th pilgrim-FRIEND
- 30.11. 4th AIVF website Letter 2015 to AMIS
- 25.01. Lugano-CH USI (Université de la Suisse Italienne), AIVF + Rivellino-Locarno organize conference: The Director Vatican museums A. Paolucci speaks about the Sistine Chapel
- 10.02. Death of Bernard Couchepin, member and founder of AIVF
- 20.02. Publication of DORMIFRANCIGENA GSB-Roma 4th Ed.
- 06.04 Lugano-CH USI, AIVF + Rivellino-Locarno organise conference The Genius of Borromini by Paolo Portoghesi 30.04. Cooperation VF with the university (UNI) of La Sapienza-Rome (Department of Antiquities, Gilda Bartoloni) + XVth-Rome (ex. XXth) for the archeological area of Veio
- 21.6-07.10. Inauguration of the Via Francisca of Lukmanier pass from Feldkirch-Austria to Pavia
- 23.10. Resignation of Mrs Virginie Brouillard 11.10. GA of AIVF- Paris Michel Bonnenfant coordinator for French-speaking pilgrims
- 31.12. AMIS number 1,845 from 27 countries Letter 2014 to AMIS
USI-Lugano 2014
USI-Lugano Vaticano 2014
Via del Lucomagno 2014
Ivrea-Santhia 2013
Dormi 2014
- 05.01. Radio-TV Svizzera Italiana (RSI) documentary S. Pellegrino di Giornico (Werner Weick + Adelaide Trezzini-A.T.)
- 20.01. AIVFPublication leaflet VF Ivrea-Santhià south of Lake Viverone
- 15.02. Ancient VF in the Paglia valley-Siena gets 607 votes for the election of Luoghi del Cuore (Places of Heart)-FAI 2012
- 03.05 Death of Hubert Moulin member and founder of AIVF
- 13.03. Margot Collins-Fäh coordinator for Switzerland
- 17.04. State Archives Rome presentation of the book Cesano …sulla VF with A. Paolucci, A. Campitelli, D. Tamblé
- 05.07. AIVFPublication of guidebook La VF de Sigeric de Pontarlier au GSB Ed. Le Village by A.T. + e-book Pontarlier-GSB
- 08.10. WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)-Geneva: Renewal of VF trademark
- 17.10. Conference at ACDMAE Group (Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Rome): La VF Lazio e riscoperta del Borgo di Cesano by A.T. + L. Chiumenti
- 30.08. Publication of leaflet VF Sarzana-Parco della Magra-Pietrasanta
- 09.11. Bern Balzan Award given to André Vauchez (member of scientific committee), AIVF invited
- 31.12. AMIS number 1,845 from 27 countries Letter 2013 to AMIS
- 10.01. Publication of Cesano borgo fortificato sulla Via Francigena Ed. Gangemi-Roma by A.T. & L. Chiumenti with introduction by Franco Cardini.
- 10.02. Publication of La Via Francigena de Sigeric en Italie by A.T. and others Ed. Lepère-France
- 24.03. Archeological walk Campagnano-Baccano excavations-Cesano AIVF + community of Campagnano
- 14.04. Martigny AIVF is invited to the GA of AEVF with presentation of new guide VF-Italie Ed. Lepère
- 26.4. National Day VF Walking Etruscan-Roman VF Monterosi to Cesano (25 km) AIVF + CAI (Italian Alpine Club)-Rome + Amici Monte Mario
- 06.05. Publication of DORMIFRANCIGENA dal GSB-Roma 3rd Ed.
- 17.06. VF walk through the parks of Latium The “ Etruscan“ VF from Veio to Isola Farnese AIVF + XVth(district)-Rome + Latium Region
- 01.07. Walk The Roman VF from Ivrea to Santhià AIVF + Amici VF Santhià
- 26.09. VF-Evenings programme Rediscover the medieval Cesano on the VF AIVF + Osteria del Borgo
- 13.10. Romainmôtier-Foire des Sonnailles (bells) Rediscover the historical-Roman VF Jougne-F (Jura pass) to Romainmôtier-CH (22 km’s walk)
- 20.10. Speech AIVF at AAA+A Milan-Rho (Fortunato D’Amico) Architettura e Paesaggio sulle strade francigene
- 31.12. AMIS number 1,410 members from 26 countries Letter 2012 to AMIS
VF a Veio 2006
Romainmotier-Premio Mont d’Or
Burburigo Valle del Paglia
Guide Lepère 2013
Baccano-Cesano 2012
Cesano Borgo Fortificato sulla VF
Dormi-CH 2012
- 05.02. Publication of booklet La Via del Pellegrino-Itinerario della VF di Sigerico Variante dei Laghi by XVth-Rome + AIVF
- 11.02. Speech A.T. at UE-Rome VF convention La VF + European Cultural Itineraries by Euro-deputy Silvia Costa
- 22.02. Sion-CH VF meeting with delegations from Vaud and Valais: tourism, communities, parishes, trekking assoc. organized by AIVF + patronage of J.F. Copt President Gd Conseil Valais
- 10.03. Rome Sovraintendenza: admission of the VF Lakes alternative (Monterosi-Cesano route)
- 10.07 Publication of DORMIFRANCIGENA B Italy 2nd Ed.
- 29.10. AIVF invited to Social Assembly of AEVF in Abbadia S. Salvatore-Siena Importance of historical VF routes still available for pilgrims in Italy, CH+ France
- 31.12. AMIS number 1,293 members from 24 countries Letter 2011 to AMIS
- 10.02. AIVF is invited to join the Association Ad Limina Petri (belonging to Italian Episcopal Commission)
- 16.02. Presentation at Swiss Embassy-Paris of the book San Pellegrino tra Mito e Storia… with A.Vauchez, M. Sot, C. Vincent
- 30.03. Publication of Dormifrancigena–CH Pontarlier-GSB / Basel-Vevey
- 25.04. Speech at Castel St Angelo for XIIth Week of Culture: Ministerium of Culture (MiBAC) + Jobel Theater for VF show Sites and itineraries on VF yesterday and today
- 31.04. Presentation of SP book at Gualdo Tadino (PG) and walk on St-Pilgrim footsteps
- 02.05. National VF Day: Ass. Rete dei Cammini proposes 4 inter-regional VF routes (Piemont, Tuscany, Umbria + Latium) and 1 international AIVF route
- 09.06. RSI-channel 2 (Swiss Italian Radio) Places of Soul by AT. Hospice de St-Jacques de St-Maurice sur la VF
- 15.06. RSR (Radio Suisse Romande) Interview with AT. Comment s’organiser pour entreprendre un pélerinage sur la VF
- 23.06. Speech in Romainmotier-CH on the VF at Cluny Sites Official Day-1100 years
- 10.07. Publication of Topofrancigena Basel-Vevey (1st section VF of Nikulas de Munkathvera Island-Rome -1154) 16 cartographic maps
- 31.12. AMIS number 1,260 members from 16 countries Letter 2010 to AMIS
Variante VF dei Laghi 2010
Castel St Angelo 2010
Papa Benedetto 2009
Topo Basel-Vevey 2010
San Pellegrino 2009
Altirolo-Giornico 2009
- 04.01. Jean-Claude Joseph new vice-president
- 15.01. Speech at Jospfest-ORP (Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi)- Fiera di Roma
- 30.01. Publication of volume San Pellegrino tra Mito e Storia. Luoghi di culto in Europa (St-Pilgrim between Myth and History on the VF in Europe) by A.T. and introduction of F. Cardini, Gangemi ed.
- 11.02. Presentation of the book, San Pellegrino tra Mito e Storia… at the Swiss Institute-Rome
- 01.04. Vatican City-Wednesday audience: book presented to Pope Benoit the XVI 13.05. Presentation of the book, San Pellegrino tra Mito e Storia… at BSI (Banca Svizzera italiana)-Lugano
- 20.07. Publication of 2nd ed. Dormifrancigena dal GSB-Roma
- 30.08. Altirolo-Giornico-CH Festa di S. Pellegrino mass + pilgrimage from Airolo
- 07.12. XVth (ex XX)-Rome political unanimous admission of the VF alternative Lake Monterosi-Cesano route Letter 2009 to AMIS
- 8.03. Lugano GA of Friends of the St-James Way (Camino) CH La VF in Svizzera e in Italia
- 10.05 3rd website
- 15.07. AIVF signs up its 1000th member
- 02.10. 1st Meeting of The Network of Culture Routes of the Council of Europe (CofE)-Strasburg
- 06.10. Creation of omnes viae romam perducunt T-shirt Letter 2008 to AMIS of the VF
Tshirt AIVF 2003
Stemma 2007
Logo VF CdE 2007
Dormi A 2007
Web AIVF 2008
- 26.03. Publication of Dormifrancigena A Canterbury-GSB (leaflet with about 200 useful addresses)
- 02.04. C of E-Strasbourg: updating of European VF logo
- 17.06. Creation of embroidered VF badge 25.06. Publication of Topofrancigena B dal GSB a Roma 2nd Ed. (41 cartographic maps): AIVF + Italian provinces
- 31.12. AMIS number 850 members from 15 countries Letter 2007 to AMIS
- 30.04. Publication of Dormifrancigena B. GSB-Roma (leaflet with about 270 useful addresses)
- 02.10. Pas-de-Calais Rediscovering of the historic route of La Leulène (des Anglois): Guînes (Drap d’Or)-Zudausques-Wisques: AIVF + Parc naturel des Marais de l’Opale + Ass. La Leulène 3
- 1.12. AMIS number 530 members from 14 countries Letter 2006 to AMIS
Flyer 2007
VF Leulene-Press 2011
Dormi-B 2006
Topo B 2005
Topo-A La Leulène 2004
Strasbourg Palais de l’Europe
- 20.01. 2nd website in 5 languages
- 10.02. Canterbury cathedral: A.T. + Joe Patterson present the VF Project to the Dean Rev. Robert Willis
- 08.04. Conference Strasburg-F (Palais de l’Europe) La VF, itinéraire culturel européen: genèse, développement, fonctionnement… 20.07. Publication of Topofrancigena B dal GSB a Roma
- 20.07. Publication of Manuale di Norme per la Segnaletica VF Europea (European VF Waymarking Manual) by AIVF + European Institute for Cultural Routes-Luxembourg (EICR), patronages of C of E and Latium Region 1st Ed.
- 29.07. Martigny AIVF GA: New name Association Internationale VF (AIVF)
- 31.12. AIVF has 425 members from 13 countries Letter 2005 to AMIS of the VF
- 30.03. Conference at Club Montevecchio-Roma Viaggio storico-culturale sulla VF da Canterbury a Roma (Historical cultural journey)
- 21.05. Conference at Palatinum-Roma Association Viaggio storico-culturale sulla VF…
- 20.07. Publication 1st dedicated cartography Topofrancigena A. Canterbury-GSB (33 sheets): AVF + VaudRando + CDRP-F (Comités de Randonnée Pédestre)
- 08.10. AVF has 5 national sections in the UK (J. Patterson), NL (Klaas van der Poel), France, Switzerland and Italy
- 04.12. Progetto VF interregionale for Latium Region
- 09.12. Wroclaw-Pl Celebrations of 50th anniversary of European Cultural Convention of C of E. The AIVF has received the award for the VF as a Major cultural route
- 31.12. AMIS number 260 members from 13 countries Letter 2004 to AMIS
Spilla Chiavi di S. Pietro 2008
Topo A 2004
Major Cultural Route 2004
Vademecum GSB-Rma 2004
- 07.02. Speech at VF Seminar Arciconfraternità di S.Eligio
- 05.03. Conference at ACDMAE (Club of Ministry of Foreign Affairs)-Rome Un viaggio storico-culturale VF da Canterbury a Roma
- 30.03. Meeting in Paris with the Ass. dei Comuni italiani sulla VF (Ass. of Italian communities on the VF) about future collaboration
- 10.05. Cooperation with EICR for VF European Library
- 06.07. Creation of Broach with St-Peters’ keys 20.07. Publication of the 2nd issue of Guide-Vademecum VF from the Gd St Bernard to Rome with spur-road from Arles-F : AVF + Ass. des Amis de St-Jacques Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
- 30.08. Creation of a network of museums and monuments offering free entry free-francigena
- 14.10. Gregorian UNI-Rome 1st academic course Pellegrinaggio cristiano antico e medievale e le sue espressioni artistiche: P. Jacobone
- 22.10. WIPO-Geneva: International registration of the European VF Logo
- 24.11. Rome Istituto Italiano per il Medioevo 1st Meeting of European scientific committee VF: present Franco Cardini-FI, Massimo Miglio-RM, André Vauchez-F, Michael Matheus-D, P. Jacobone-RM, Anna Benvenuti-FI, Franco Morenzoni-CH, Benedetto Vetere-Lecce, Renato Stopani
- 31.12. AMIS number 200 members from 11 countries Letter 2003 to AMIS
- 02.03. Speech at VF Seminar at Capranica-VT
- 26.03. Launch of dedicated cartography Topo-francigena with l’UNIL (Lausanne-CH)
- 19.04. Conference at UNIL L’aventure européenne de la VF (Realisation of a European cultural itinerary)
- 23.04. Creation of a VF pennant 14.06. Creation of Inventory of VF Sites and Monuments SOS in danger: AIVF + IEIC + Preparation of Universities network-francigena
- 10.07 Publication of Guide-Vademecum de Londres au GSB in cooperation with UK, F, CH associations
- 31.12. AMIS number 145 members from 10 countries Letter 2002 to AMIS
Credenziale VF 2001
1° Testimonium 7. 2001
Logo VF 2001
Fanion 2002
Premium Sti-Benedicti 2001
CCE St-Jean d’Angely-F
Vademecum Londres-GSB 2002
UNIL VF 2002
- 01.02. Launch of academic VF scientific committee
- 03.02. Creation in Milan of Group of the Friends of the VF ancient-walking-cycling by AVF
- 05.02. European Culture Center of St-Jean d’Angely-F Conference L’aventure européenne de la VF (European Adventure of the VF) 03-06. Patronages for VF Project by Holy See, Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities-I, Ministry of Culture and Comunication-F and Department of the Interior-CH
- 06.04. Exhibition at museum Château d’Aigle-CH La VF en Suisse de Vallorbe au GSB
- 28.04. Foundation of the Ass. des Communes sur la VF, Massimo Tedeschi President (poi AEVF-Association Europea Vie Francigene) regroupant les institutions publiques telles communes, provinces, régions italiennes.
- 16.06 Cesena-I IX Praemium Sancti Benedicti of European Rotary Club awarded to the AVF
- 30.06. Creation AVF + Vatican City: Testimonium Peregrinatoris ad Limina Petri (parchment certifying completion of the pilgrimage), Litterae Patentes Peregrinatoris (Pilgrim passport) and the St-Peter’s Basilica Register of VF pilgrims
- 10.07. St-Peter’s Basilica-Rome, 1st Testimonium given to Hughette de St-Pierre and Serge Hamelin-CA
- 27.07. Presentation to and acceptance of the European VF Logo by J.M. Ballester-C of E
- 15.08. Villages with bridge on pilgrim routes – project with Centro Studi Romei-FI LINK
- 05.10. Speech at the Public Library in Castelfiorentino
- 29.11. CCE St-Jean d’Angely-F VF Conference L’Europe au début du IIe millénaire: échanges commerciaux entre la Suisse, la France et l’Italie (Europe at the start of the 2ndmillennium: commercial exchanges between CH-F and I)
- 02.12. Petition to the EIEI to request special protection for the VF-Valdelsa-Siena with Italia Nostra Letter 2001 to the AMIS
- 21.01. Partnership Convention with EICR: Avenant (Extention)
- 21.01. Creation of a European VF Mailing List Addresses UK, F, CH, Italy
- 03.03. Speech at Santa Maria della Scala-Siena with EICR
- 15.03. Florence Swiss Culture Week Conference La VF Ponte tra Svizzera e Toscana (Bridge between Switzerland and Tuscany)
- 15.06.-15.09. Exhibition at GSB museum Château d’Aigle-CH La VF en Suisse de Vallorbe au GSB
- 10.07. Publication of the Vademecum VF dal GSB a Roma with all useful information on sale at Touring Club-Rome
Postcards 1999
LeTemps 1999
Vade-B 2000
GSB expo VF 2000
Expo VF-Aigle 2000
- 30.01. Coordinator for French-speaking pilgrims: Mrs Virginie Brouillard
- 10.04 Publication of 6 press articles La VF de Vallorbe au GSB by Gérard Delaloye-Le Temps-Geneva
- 12.10. Publication of Vatican Postcards VF to “announce“ the Great Jubileum: AIVF + Philatelic Office of the Vatican City
- 24.11. After the VF study day in Viterbo (Pope’s Palace), AIVF sends all VF historic informations to Lord Mayor de Canterbury and to William Petit (City Council)
- 16.12. Publication Addresses for VF information from Aosta to Rome as requested by VF pioneers from CA, CH, NL, UK
- 10.02. Conference at FEG (European Federation Tourist Guides) Congress –London VF cultural itineraries of the C of E
- 26.06. Creation of 1st website, VF European Information Center and a Library VF Gen UK, F, CH, Italy
- 20.07. Involvement in safeguarding important monuments and sites SOS in danger in Switzerland and Italy
- 04.09. Proposal of J.M. Ballester, head of the Service of Cultural and Natural Heritage of the C of E-Strasburg, to form a VF committee and a European VF network
- 01.10. 1st training course Tourism and Heritage at the UNI-Geneva launched by A.T.
- 22.11. Partnership agreement between AVF and EICR 27.11. Speech at FEG-Naples Meeting Cultural itineraries of the C of E and VF
- 16.12. Speech at the Swiss Club-Rome VF itinéraire culturel du C of E
- 01.05. Bern, Swiss Federal Office for culture-International affairs: 1st contact
- 09.04. Martigny-CH, Town hall 1st meeting VF
- 11.06. Martigny-CH, Cinema Casino 2nd meeting VF
- 05.09. Foundation of the Association Via Francigena (AVF as a private and non-profit association) at Martigny with the objective of INFORMING, PROMOTING, PUBLICISING the VF route from Canterbury to Rome, primarily in Switzerland and France where it is completely unknown Founding members: A.T., Bernard Couchepin, Hubert Moulin, Marcella Bagnasco-ANGT (Ass. Nazionale Guide Turistiche), Erica Deuber-Pauli (Cultural Affairs Geneva), Charles Bonnet (archeologist and academician-F) and Bernard Ardura (secretary of Pontifical Council of Culture)
- 02.10. Publication of 1st flyer Association Via Francigena
- 03.12. Martigny-CH, Hotel Touring 3rd meeting VF
Route de Sigeric 1996
Partenariat AIVF-IEIC 1998
AVF-Martigny 9.4.1997
Canterbury-VF 11.1999
Flyer AVF 1997
Unige 1998
- 10.06. Presentation to M. Thomas-Penette C of E-Strasburg of the Project The Route of Sigeric from the Channel to the Alps and VF Association: finally!
- 16.10. AT receives mandate of Association Régionale Martigny to promote the project VF in Valais-CH; mandate not renewed in 1997
- 06.05. ANGT (National Association of Tourist Guides-Italy) appoints A.T. to promote the VF in Switzerland and to begin research eventually for a medieval guide of the VF in Valais (GSB to St-Maurice-CH)
- 10.09. Bern IVS (Inventory of Historic Routes Switzerland) info VF to H.P. Schneider
Copyright 2015 Association Internationale Via Francigena | All Rights Reserved |
Disclaimer | Credits:
Andrea Biello