Via Francigena ITALY

Official VF MiBAC – AEVF (European Vie Francigene Association)

Cycling the Via Francigena


  Historical alternatives (available on APP I, II, III)

  1. AOSTA VALLEY  Beriaz − Issogne: Flat route passing the Issogne castle
  2. PIEMONTE  Ivrea − Azeglio  Santhià: Roman route south of the Viverone Lake. Info Valter  Pilgrim Statistics from January to September 2016
  3. LOMBARDY   Tromello − Pavie: Route to the convent of “Madonna della Bozzola” and direct entry in the Parco del Ticino
  4. EMILIA-ROMAGNA Piacenza − Fiorenzuola − Fidenza : Routes with and without fords


  1. Cisa pass  Pontremoli historical route via Montelungo (XXXII mansiones): 4h, 17,9 km
  2. Sarzana − Luni − Pietrasanta: Route through the Magra Park and along the sea
  3. Buonconvento S. Antimo − Abbadia SS.: Route of the Abbeys
  4. S. Quirico d’Orcia  Abbadia S. Salvatore Ponte a Rigo new AEVF + bike AIVF  Le Briccole – Abbadia SS.


  1. Campagnano − Isola Farnese (XV Roma): New AEVF  v. Formalicchi, bridge crossing the Cremera, v. Formellese, etruscan archeological site Veio
  2. Isola Farnese – Roma (VF North + South) by Sovrintendenza of Roma (bottom of page pdf english 10 MB)
  3. La Storta− Insugherata Park − Monte Mario: to avoid the Via Trionfale
Copyright 2015 Association Internationale Via Francigena | All Rights Reserved | Disclaimer | Credits: Andrea Biello