A timeline of the most important events in the history of the Association (for Conferences texts see Archives)


  1.  29.2. AIVF gives way to CIVIF (Comité International VF)


  1. 10.10. Bari: AEVF + AIVF
  2. 14- 15 + 21-22.9.  Walking days “I love Via Francigena-Vaud-CH”: Festival  VF 2019
  3. May 1st at the Cisa Pass: hike with families on the historic VF!
  1. 5-7.4 Paris: Forum des pèlerinages with the first participation by AIVF
  2. 21.3. Project submitted for the “Percorso storico-Variante dei Laghi” (sole sponsor: AIVF) for the big parks of Bracciano-Martignano and de Veio!


  1. 6.4. Founding of the Italian-Swiss association Friends of the Via Francisca del Lucomagno (VFL)
  2. 6.5. Conclusion to AIVF 20-year Jubilee with last stage of the VFL  and arrival in Pavia with 100 people, unthinkable 3 years ago!
  3. 20.5. new App Dormi Topo Francigena GSB-Rome by Innovation Engineering
  4. 9-10.6 Event AEVF-AIVF  Via storica Jougne-Orbe after 10 years recognized
  5. 20.7. Sigeric’s VF:  3 days between Pontarlier and Lausanne (70 km) by AIVF
  6. 31.12. AMIS number  2,687  from 29 countries  Letter 2018 to the AMIS


  1. 22.2. General Assembly AIVF: Statutes 9.1997 updated with new Costitution
  2. 24.3. Constance-D cathedral: inauguration “Via Francisca del Lucomagno (AVL)” to Disentis  in 4 weekends
  3. 29.3. Search and clean the Via Francigena of Leonardo in Montelungo-Pontremoli
  4. 14.3. Varese: city signposting  Via Francisca Lucomagno (VFL)
  5. 2.5. Roma Fondazione Besso: Journée d’Etude “La Via Francigena attraverso l’ Agro Veientano – Archeologia, Arte e Paesaggio tra Valorizzazione e Sviluppo
  6. 10.5. New Shop online
  7. 31.12. AMIS number  2504  from 28 countries Letter 2017 to the AMIS


  1. 10.2. Creation of medal with St Peter’s keys for Rome pilgrim’s backpack commissioned to prison Don Bosco-Pisa by AIVF
  2. 30.3. Ass. VF Alta Lunigiana-Montelungo begins the clearing of the historic VF from the Cisa Pass to Pontremoli
  3. 18.4. Creation of Rome pilgrim’s badge
  4. 20.4. Lavena-Ponte Tresa: Presentation to press: Via del Lucomagno
  5. 30.4. Ganna-Varese: 1st event La Via Francisca del Lucomagno-Lukmanier (forge de Ghirla, conference S. Gemolo, polenta)
  6. 31.12. AMIS number  2318  from 27 countries Letter 2016 to the FRIENDS


  1. 2014-2015 Historic alternatives with GPS in the Aosta Valley, Piemonte, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria, Tuscany, Latium
  2. 28.04. Rome Besso Foundation Conference   Origins and development of  VF network by A.T.
  3. 25.05. APP for DorMi ToPo Francigena Grand St. Bernard (GSB)-Rome
  4. 25.06. Yverdon-les-Bains Table Ronde VF Echanges entre partenaires touristiques suisses + italiens: D. Faesch-Tourisme Vaud-Nord
  5. 27.06. General Assembly (GA) of the Associazione Europea Vie Francigene (AEVF) in St-Maurice-CH for the 1500th anniversary of the Abbey d’Agaune: AIVF invited
  6. 14-19.07. 1st spiritual pilgrimage in canton Vaud-CH from Romainmôtier, AIVF + Crêt-Berard Foundation
  7. 07.09 Creation of reflective band Omnes viae Romam perducunt
  8. 14.10. 2,000th pilgrim-FRIEND
  9. 30.11. 4th AIVF website  Letter 2015 to AMIS


  1. 25.01. Lugano-CH USI (Université de la Suisse Italienne), AIVF + Rivellino-Locarno organize conference: The Director Vatican museums A. Paolucci speaks about the Sistine Chapel
  2. 10.02. Death of Bernard Couchepin, member and founder of AIVF
  3. 20.02. Publication of DORMIFRANCIGENA GSB-Roma 4th Ed.
  4. 06.04 Lugano-CH USI, AIVF + Rivellino-Locarno organise conference The Genius of Borromini by Paolo Portoghesi 30.04. Cooperation VF with the university (UNI) of La Sapienza-Rome (Department of Antiquities, Gilda Bartoloni) + XVth-Rome (ex. XXth) for the archeological area of Veio
  5. 21.6-07.10. Inauguration of the Via Francisca of Lukmanier pass from Feldkirch-Austria to Pavia
  6. 23.10. Resignation of Mrs Virginie Brouillard 11.10. GA of AIVF- Paris Michel Bonnenfant coordinator for French-speaking pilgrims
  7. 31.12. AMIS number 1,845 from 27 countries Letter 2014 to AMIS


  1. 05.01. Radio-TV Svizzera Italiana (RSI) documentary S. Pellegrino di Giornico (Werner Weick + Adelaide Trezzini-A.T.)
  2. 20.01. AIVFPublication leaflet VF Ivrea-Santhià south of Lake Viverone
  3. 15.02. Ancient VF in the Paglia valley-Siena gets 607 votes for the election of Luoghi del Cuore (Places of Heart)-FAI 2012
  4. 03.05 Death of Hubert Moulin member and founder of AIVF
  5. 13.03. Margot Collins-Fäh coordinator for Switzerland
  6. 17.04. State Archives Rome presentation of the book Cesano …sulla VF with A. Paolucci, A. Campitelli, D. Tamblé
  7. 05.07. AIVFPublication of guidebook La VF de Sigeric de Pontarlier au GSB Ed. Le Village by A.T. + e-book Pontarlier-GSB
  8. 08.10. WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)-Geneva: Renewal of VF trademark
  9. 17.10. Conference at ACDMAE Group (Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Rome): La VF Lazio e riscoperta del Borgo di Cesano by A.T. + L. Chiumenti
  10. 30.08. Publication of leaflet VF Sarzana-Parco della Magra-Pietrasanta
  11. 09.11. Bern Balzan Award given to André Vauchez (member of scientific committee), AIVF invited
  12. 31.12. AMIS number 1,845 from 27 countries Letter 2013 to AMIS


  1. 10.01. Publication of Cesano borgo fortificato sulla Via Francigena Ed. Gangemi-Roma by A.T. & L. Chiumenti with introduction by Franco Cardini.
  2. 10.02. Publication of La Via Francigena de Sigeric en Italie by A.T. and others Ed. Lepère-France
  3. 24.03. Archeological walk Campagnano-Baccano excavations-Cesano AIVF + community of Campagnano
  4. 14.04. Martigny AIVF is invited to the GA of AEVF with presentation of new guide VF-Italie Ed. Lepère
  5. 26.4. National Day VF Walking Etruscan-Roman VF Monterosi to Cesano (25 km) AIVF + CAI (Italian Alpine Club)-Rome + Amici Monte Mario
  6. 06.05. Publication of DORMIFRANCIGENA dal GSB-Roma 3rd Ed.
  7. 17.06. VF walk through the parks of Latium The “ Etruscan“ VF from Veio to Isola Farnese AIVF + XVth(district)-Rome + Latium Region
  8. 01.07. Walk The Roman VF from Ivrea to Santhià AIVF + Amici VF Santhià
  9. 26.09. VF-Evenings programme Rediscover the medieval Cesano on the VF AIVF + Osteria del Borgo
  10. 13.10. Romainmôtier-Foire des Sonnailles (bells) Rediscover the historical-Roman VF Jougne-F (Jura pass) to Romainmôtier-CH (22 km’s walk)
  11. 20.10. Speech AIVF at AAA+A Milan-Rho (Fortunato D’Amico) Architettura e Paesaggio sulle strade francigene
  12. 31.12. AMIS number 1,410 members from 26 countries Letter 2012 to AMIS


  1. 05.02. Publication of booklet La Via del Pellegrino-Itinerario della VF di Sigerico Variante dei Laghi by XVth-Rome + AIVF
  2. 11.02. Speech A.T. at UE-Rome VF convention La VF + European Cultural Itineraries by Euro-deputy Silvia Costa
  3. 22.02. Sion-CH VF meeting with delegations from Vaud and Valais: tourism, communities, parishes, trekking assoc. organized by AIVF + patronage of J.F. Copt President Gd Conseil Valais
  4. 10.03. Rome Sovraintendenza: admission of the VF Lakes alternative (Monterosi-Cesano route)
  5. 10.07 Publication of DORMIFRANCIGENA B Italy 2nd Ed.
  6. 29.10. AIVF invited to Social Assembly of AEVF in Abbadia S. Salvatore-Siena Importance of historical VF routes still available for pilgrims in Italy, CH+ France
  7. 31.12. AMIS number 1,293 members from 24 countries Letter 2011 to AMIS


  1. 10.02. AIVF is invited to join the Association Ad Limina Petri (belonging to Italian Episcopal Commission)
  2. 16.02. Presentation at Swiss Embassy-Paris of the book San Pellegrino tra Mito e Storia… with A.Vauchez, M. Sot, C. Vincent
  3. 30.03. Publication of Dormifrancigena–CH Pontarlier-GSB / Basel-Vevey
  4. 25.04. Speech at Castel St Angelo for XIIth Week of Culture: Ministerium of Culture (MiBAC) + Jobel Theater for VF show Sites and itineraries on VF yesterday and today
  5. 31.04. Presentation of SP book at Gualdo Tadino (PG) and walk on St-Pilgrim footsteps
  6. 02.05. National VF Day: Ass. Rete dei Cammini proposes 4 inter-regional VF routes (Piemont, Tuscany, Umbria + Latium) and 1 international AIVF route
  7. 09.06. RSI-channel 2 (Swiss Italian Radio) Places of Soul by AT. Hospice de St-Jacques de St-Maurice sur la VF
  8. 15.06. RSR (Radio Suisse Romande) Interview with AT. Comment s’organiser pour entreprendre un pélerinage sur la VF
  9. 23.06. Speech in Romainmotier-CH on the VF at Cluny Sites Official Day-1100 years
  10. 10.07. Publication of Topofrancigena Basel-Vevey (1st section VF of Nikulas de Munkathvera Island-Rome -1154) 16 cartographic maps
  11. 31.12. AMIS number 1,260 members from 16 countries Letter 2010 to AMIS


  1. 04.01. Jean-Claude Joseph new vice-president
  2. 15.01. Speech at Jospfest-ORP (Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi)- Fiera di Roma
  3. 30.01. Publication of volume San Pellegrino tra Mito e Storia. Luoghi di culto in Europa (St-Pilgrim between Myth and History on the VF in Europe) by A.T. and introduction of F. Cardini, Gangemi ed.
  4. 11.02. Presentation of the book, San Pellegrino tra Mito e Storia… at the Swiss Institute-Rome
  5. 01.04. Vatican City-Wednesday audience: book presented to Pope Benoit the XVI 13.05. Presentation of the book, San Pellegrino tra Mito e Storia… at BSI (Banca Svizzera italiana)-Lugano
  6. 20.07. Publication of 2nd ed. Dormifrancigena dal GSB-Roma
  7. 30.08. Altirolo-Giornico-CH Festa di S. Pellegrino mass + pilgrimage from Airolo
  8. 07.12. XVth (ex XX)-Rome political unanimous admission of the VF alternative Lake Monterosi-Cesano route Letter 2009 to AMIS


  1. 8.03. Lugano GA of Friends of the St-James Way (Camino) CH La VF in Svizzera e in Italia
  2. 10.05 3rd website
  3. 15.07. AIVF signs up its 1000th member
  4. 02.10. 1st Meeting of The Network of Culture Routes of the Council of Europe (CofE)-Strasburg
  5. 06.10. Creation of omnes viae romam perducunt T-shirt Letter 2008 to AMIS of the VF


  1. 26.03. Publication of Dormifrancigena A Canterbury-GSB (leaflet with about 200 useful addresses)
  2. 02.04. C of E-Strasbourg: updating of European VF logo
  3. 17.06. Creation of embroidered VF badge 25.06. Publication of Topofrancigena B dal GSB a Roma 2nd Ed. (41 cartographic maps): AIVF + Italian provinces
  4. 31.12. AMIS number 850 members from 15 countries Letter 2007 to AMIS


  1. 30.04. Publication of Dormifrancigena B. GSB-Roma (leaflet with about 270 useful addresses)
  2. 02.10. Pas-de-Calais Rediscovering of the historic route of La Leulène (des Anglois): Guînes (Drap d’Or)-Zudausques-Wisques: AIVF + Parc naturel des Marais de l’Opale + Ass. La Leulène 3
  3. 1.12. AMIS number 530 members from 14 countries Letter 2006 to AMIS


  1. 20.01. 2nd website in 5 languages
  2. 10.02. Canterbury cathedral: A.T. + Joe Patterson present the VF Project to the Dean Rev. Robert Willis
  3. 08.04. Conference Strasburg-F (Palais de l’Europe) La VF, itinéraire culturel européen: genèse, développement, fonctionnement20.07. Publication of Topofrancigena B dal GSB a Roma
  4. 20.07. Publication of Manuale di Norme per la Segnaletica VF Europea (European VF Waymarking Manual) by AIVF + European Institute for Cultural Routes-Luxembourg (EICR), patronages of C of E and Latium Region 1st Ed.
  5. 29.07. Martigny AIVF GA: New name Association Internationale VF (AIVF)
  6. 31.12. AIVF has 425 members from 13 countries Letter 2005 to AMIS of the VF


  1. 30.03. Conference at Club Montevecchio-Roma Viaggio storico-culturale sulla VF da Canterbury a Roma (Historical cultural journey)
  2. 21.05. Conference at Palatinum-Roma Association Viaggio storico-culturale sulla VF…
  3. 20.07. Publication 1st dedicated cartography Topofrancigena A. Canterbury-GSB (33 sheets): AVF + VaudRando + CDRP-F (Comités de Randonnée Pédestre)
  4. 08.10. AVF has 5 national sections in the UK (J. Patterson), NL (Klaas van der Poel), France, Switzerland and Italy
  5. 04.12. Progetto VF interregionale for Latium Region
  6. 09.12. Wroclaw-Pl Celebrations of 50th anniversary of European Cultural Convention of C of E. The AIVF has received the award for the VF as a Major cultural route
  7. 31.12. AMIS number 260 members from 13 countries Letter 2004 to AMIS


  1. 07.02. Speech at VF Seminar Arciconfraternità di S.Eligio
  2. 05.03. Conference at ACDMAE (Club of Ministry of Foreign Affairs)-Rome Un viaggio storico-culturale VF da Canterbury a Roma
  3. 30.03. Meeting in Paris with the Ass. dei Comuni italiani sulla VF (Ass. of Italian communities on the VF) about future collaboration
  4. 10.05. Cooperation with EICR for VF European Library
  5. 06.07. Creation of Broach with St-Peters’ keys 20.07. Publication of the 2nd issue of Guide-Vademecum VF from the Gd St Bernard to Rome with spur-road from Arles-F : AVF + Ass. des Amis de St-Jacques Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
  6. 30.08. Creation of a network of museums and monuments offering free entry free-francigena
  7. 14.10. Gregorian UNI-Rome 1st academic course Pellegrinaggio cristiano antico e medievale e le sue espressioni artistiche: P. Jacobone
  8. 22.10. WIPO-Geneva: International registration of the European VF Logo
  9. 24.11. Rome Istituto Italiano per il Medioevo 1st Meeting of European scientific committee VF: present Franco Cardini-FI, Massimo Miglio-RM, André Vauchez-F, Michael Matheus-D, P. Jacobone-RM, Anna Benvenuti-FI, Franco Morenzoni-CH, Benedetto Vetere-Lecce, Renato Stopani
  10. 31.12. AMIS number 200 members from 11 countries Letter 2003 to AMIS


  1. 02.03. Speech at VF Seminar at Capranica-VT
  2. 26.03. Launch of dedicated cartography Topo-francigena with l’UNIL (Lausanne-CH)
  3. 19.04. Conference at UNIL L’aventure européenne de la VF (Realisation of a European cultural itinerary)
  4. 23.04. Creation of a VF pennant 14.06. Creation of Inventory of VF Sites and Monuments SOS in danger: AIVF + IEIC + Preparation of Universities network-francigena
  5. 10.07 Publication of Guide-Vademecum de Londres au GSB in cooperation with UK, F, CH associations
  6. 31.12. AMIS number 145 members from 10 countries Letter 2002 to AMIS


  1. 01.02. Launch of academic VF scientific committee
  2. 03.02. Creation in Milan of Group of the Friends of the VF ancient-walking-cycling by AVF
  3. 05.02. European Culture Center of St-Jean d’Angely-F Conference L’aventure européenne de la VF (European Adventure of the VF) 03-06. Patronages for VF Project by Holy See, Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities-I, Ministry of Culture and Comunication-F and Department of the Interior-CH
  4. 06.04. Exhibition at museum Château d’Aigle-CH La VF en Suisse de Vallorbe au GSB
  5. 28.04. Foundation of the Ass. des Communes sur la VF, Massimo Tedeschi President (poi AEVF-Association Europea Vie Francigene) regroupant les institutions publiques telles communes, provinces, régions italiennes.
  6. 16.06 Cesena-I IX Praemium Sancti Benedicti of European Rotary Club awarded to the AVF
  7. 30.06. Creation AVF + Vatican City: Testimonium Peregrinatoris ad Limina Petri (parchment certifying completion of the pilgrimage), Litterae Patentes Peregrinatoris (Pilgrim passport) and the St-Peter’s Basilica Register of VF pilgrims
  8. 10.07. St-Peter’s Basilica-Rome, 1st Testimonium given to Hughette de St-Pierre and Serge Hamelin-CA
  9. 27.07. Presentation to and acceptance of the European VF Logo by J.M. Ballester-C of E
  10. 15.08. Villages with bridge on pilgrim routes – project with Centro Studi Romei-FI LINK
  11. 05.10. Speech at the Public Library in Castelfiorentino
  12. 29.11. CCE St-Jean d’Angely-F VF Conference L’Europe au début du IIe millénaire: échanges commerciaux entre la Suisse, la France et l’Italie (Europe at the start of the 2ndmillennium: commercial exchanges between CH-F and I)
  13. 02.12. Petition to the EIEI to request special protection for the VF-Valdelsa-Siena with Italia Nostra Letter 2001 to the AMIS


  1. 21.01. Partnership Convention with EICR: Avenant (Extention)
  2. 21.01. Creation of a European VF Mailing List Addresses UKFCHItaly
  3. 03.03. Speech at Santa Maria della Scala-Siena with EICR
  4. 15.03. Florence Swiss Culture Week Conference La VF Ponte tra Svizzera e Toscana (Bridge between Switzerland and Tuscany)
  5. 15.06.-15.09. Exhibition at GSB museum Château d’Aigle-CH La VF en Suisse de Vallorbe au GSB
  6. 10.07. Publication of the Vademecum VF dal GSB a Roma with all useful information on sale at Touring Club-Rome


  1. 30.01. Coordinator for French-speaking pilgrims: Mrs Virginie Brouillard
  2. 10.04 Publication of 6 press articles La VF de Vallorbe au GSB by Gérard Delaloye-Le Temps-Geneva
  3. 12.10. Publication of Vatican Postcards VF to “announce“ the Great Jubileum: AIVF + Philatelic Office of the Vatican City
  4. 24.11. After the VF study day in Viterbo (Pope’s Palace), AIVF sends all VF historic informations to Lord Mayor de Canterbury and to William Petit (City Council)
  5. 16.12. Publication Addresses for VF information from Aosta to Rome as requested by VF pioneers from CA, CH, NL, UK


  1. 10.02. Conference at FEG (European Federation Tourist Guides) Congress –London VF cultural itineraries of the C of E
  2. 26.06. Creation of 1st website, VF European Information Center and a Library VF Gen UKFCHItaly
  3. 20.07. Involvement in safeguarding important monuments and sites SOS in danger in Switzerland and Italy
  4. 04.09. Proposal of J.M. Ballester, head of the Service of Cultural and Natural Heritage of the C of E-Strasburg, to form a VF committee and a European VF network
  5. 01.10. 1st training course Tourism and Heritage at the UNI-Geneva launched by A.T.
  6. 22.11. Partnership agreement between AVF and EICR 27.11. Speech at FEG-Naples Meeting Cultural itineraries of the C of E and VF 
  7. 16.12. Speech at the Swiss Club-Rome VF itinéraire culturel du C of E


  1. 01.05. Bern, Swiss Federal Office for culture-International affairs: 1st contact
  2. 09.04. Martigny-CH, Town hall 1st meeting VF
  3. 11.06. Martigny-CH, Cinema Casino 2nd meeting VF
  4. 05.09. Foundation of the Association Via Francigena (AVF as a private and non-profit association) at Martigny with the objective of INFORMING, PROMOTING, PUBLICISING the VF route from Canterbury to Rome, primarily in Switzerland and France where it is completely unknown Founding members: A.T., Bernard Couchepin, Hubert Moulin, Marcella Bagnasco-ANGT (Ass. Nazionale Guide Turistiche), Erica Deuber-Pauli (Cultural Affairs Geneva), Charles Bonnet (archeologist and academician-F) and Bernard Ardura (secretary of Pontifical Council of Culture)
  5. 02.10. Publication of 1st flyer Association Via Francigena
  6. 03.12. Martigny-CH, Hotel Touring 3rd meeting VF


  1. 10.06. Presentation to M. Thomas-Penette C of E-Strasburg of the Project The Route of Sigeric from the Channel to the Alps and VF Association: finally!
  2. 16.10. AT receives mandate of Association Régionale Martigny to promote the project VF in Valais-CH; mandate not renewed in 1997


  1. 06.05. ANGT (National Association of Tourist Guides-Italy) appoints A.T. to promote the VF in Switzerland and to begin research eventually for a medieval guide of the VF in Valais (GSB to St-Maurice-CH)
  2. 10.09. Bern IVS (Inventory of Historic Routes Switzerland) info VF to H.P. Schneider
Copyright 2015 Association Internationale Via Francigena | All Rights Reserved | Disclaimer | Credits: Andrea Biello