The International Association Via Francigena (AIVF) is a Swiss non-profit private organisation, founded in Martigny in 1997, with it’s legal base in Blonay-CH.
As of 1.1.2020, it counted 2834 members from 29 countries.

Its main aim is to revive the Via Francigena from Canterbury to Rome, a route that was completely unknown in Switzerland and France until 2000.

In 2001, it received the patronage of the Holy See, the Italian Ministry of Culture, the French Ministry of Culture and Communications, and the Swiss Federal Department of Interior, and also the Rotary International  IX Premium Sancti Benedicti  in Cesena-Italy.

On 9.12.2004 at Wroclaw (Poland), AIVF President and founder Adelaide Trezzini was awarded a Major Cultural Route diploma from the Council of Europe (CofE) for the Via Francigena (VF).

On 10.10.2020 Agreement signed with AEVF, transferring AIVF activities to AEVF


 Aims and Achievements

for Culture

  • at the European level, AIVF gave birth to the VF documentation centre and a VF scientific committee (Antonio Paolucci, Franco Cardini, André Vauchez, Massimo Miglio, Gilda Bartoloni), as well as a program for safeguarding and reviving historical-social heritage, surviving historic VF routes and monuments.
  • AIVF has run a website since 1998 in 4 languages

for Tourism
AIVF has promoted since 1998 the Via Francigena with:

  • the European VF logo (in 2001 adopted by CofE, updated 2007)
  • conferences in Europe, press articles and radio talks

for Pilgrims
AIVF today supports pilgrims in many ways

  • 25 publications Guides-Vademecum, Dormifrancigena (budget accommodations), Topofrancigena (a 2000 km historical-pedestrian route) and historical scientific research relative to sites dedicated to San Pellegrino (Holy Pilgrim) in Europe and to the fortified village of Cesano-Rome
  • products: pennant, brooch with St. Peter’s keys (out of stock), badge, T-shirt, VF reflective band
  • since 2001 with a pilgrim passport Litterae patentes Peregrinatoris iter per viam francigenam facientis, and an AMI /E Card, offering advantages in many accomodations (see Dormifrancigena) and all updates
  • in 2001 AIVF produced and offered the Testimonium (parchment certifying the completion of the pilgrimage to the tomb of St Peter in Rome). AIVF still cooperates with the Vatican for the welcoming of VF pilgrims (5,800 have registered by 1.2.2015)
 All the AIVF’s initiatives are only possible thanks to the volunteer work of members and FRIENDS


All the VF pilgrims would like to express their gratitude to Mrs Virginie Brouillard, coordinator for France until 2014, to the late founding members, Hubert Moulin and Mr Bernard Couchepin and to the early volunteers: Léonard Closuit (who was responsible for saving the amphitheatre in Martigny), Théo Lattion of Liddes, Jacques Gasau (Vaud Rando), Pierre Blondeau-Doubs and CDRP-F (Comités Départementaux Randonnée Pédestre), RP15, Joe Patterson-UK, Giovanni Caselli, Stelvio Mambrini, Paolo Dei (former police chief in the province of Siena), without all of whom the Via Francigena would NEVER have been returned to life

Copyright 2015 Association Internationale Via Francigena | All Rights Reserved | Disclaimer | Credits: Andrea Biello