Lukmanier Via FRANCISCA

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 La Via Francisca (over the Alps) from Constance to Pavia  (510 km)  Route of the Emperors 

  1. Brief History
  2. The Lukmanier Via Francisca, dating from the time of the Roman province of Rhaetia, was well used, especially from the 7th and 8th centuries until the 12th century, when the Walser built a bridge that opened up the Gotthard Pass. It was a more direct, though more difficult, route. The pass was controlled by the Disentis Abbey.The Via Lukmanier is fundamental to the history of the Church and of Europe: pontiffs and bishops from all over Europe attended the Councils of Constance. While St. Columban continued on his way to Italy and died in Bobbio (615), his disciple Gallus stayed near Lake Constance and founded the famous monastery of St. Gall.


  1. more history…
  2. After the conquest of the entire Alpine region (Augustus, 15 B.C.), Rhaetia, a province of the Roman Empire (eastern Switzerland today), was part of the prefecture of Italy (4th c.), with its capital at Chur, a town that was also the first bishopric north of the Alps under the jursidiction of archdiocese of Milan. After the conquest by the Franks (697), the territory became part of the Holy Roman Empire with its main vassals in Rhaetia being the Bishop of Chur and the Abbot of Disentis, both richly endowed by Otto I (10th c.) Its capital was Pavia.
  3. Abbot Winzio of San Salvatore (Province of Siena) came here in 1007 to meet with the Bishop of Chur at the Emperor’s. Henry II (in 1004) and Barbarossa (in 1162) stayed at the castle of Grumo on their return to Germany. The castle ruins still exist on the main road to Gravesano near Agno Ticino.


  1. Until 1848 (the year the Melide bridge was built) the Lukmanier Via Francisca represented the most direct route from Milan to Basle and Constance, via the Ponte Tresa over the river Tresa. This was the bridge crossed by the Franks in 697 before the battle against the Lombards.


Itinerary in Switzerland (+ Lichtenstein) 390 km with official footpath signposts


Description of the Itinerary Lukmanier-Bellinzona (description + GPS (on request 2.5 MB);  Bellinzona-Ponte Tresa CH Description

  • Signposting: “Via Francisca del Lucomagno” panels planned
  • Warning: in case of bad weather and in autumn when the paths are covered with leaves, opt for the bicycle paths which are well sign-posted
  • Dormifrancisca du Lukmanier (Konstanz-Ponte Tresa-CH 1.10.2017)

Itinerary in Italy: Lavena-Ponte Tresa – Pavia 125 km

  1. SignpostingVia Francisca del Lucomagno” from Lavena to Varese
  2. Maps from Lavena to Pavia

Project under development



  1. 15.4. da Castelletto di Cuggiono ad Abbiategrasso – km 18,5 
    Info + iscrizione
  2. 22.4. da Abbiategrasso a Casorate – km 15  Info + iscrizione
  3. 6.5. da Motta Visconti a Pavia – km 21 Info + iscrizione
  4. 7-8.10 (Sacro Monte – Castelseprio) + 21.10 (Cairate – Castelletto di Guggiono) Programma + iscrizione
  5. Press: 29.9.17 Intensità della Natura di M. Gironimi
  6. 23-24.9. Lavena Pte Tresa−Sacro Monte di Varese Program 
  7. 27.8. “Avvenire” Le antiche strade dei pellegrini-nel Varesotto pronto la Via Francisca di MT Antoniazza
  8. 19-20.8. Bellinzona−Ponte Tresa guided by the Friends of the Via Francisca Lukmanier Programma; Video “urban” VFL! Bioggio – Ponte Tresa di Daria Gilli (DG)
  9. 22.-24.7. Disentis – Biasca Programme + video
    Lucomagno – Olivone
  10. 29.6.17  TV RSI FALÒ: Thematic hikes, the Via Francigena and the Via Francisca of Lukmanier. To see!
  11. March-June 2017: 4 weekends to hike  from Constance to Disentis Programm + Inscription
  12. Lavena- Ponte Tresa 16.3.17  Meeting Group Amis de la Via Francisca
  13. Bioggio 21.1.17  Invitation Group Amis de la Via Francisca
  14. Exhibition 23.9.-23.10.  “ Strade-mobility a Varese” Musei Civici Villa Mirabello
  15. Conference: 21.10 ore 17.30: Via del Lucomagno con Lorenzo Sganzini-Lugano
  16. 30.4. Lukmanier  Via Francisca: Lavena – S.Gemolo-Ganna (Varese) AIVF + Lombardy Region
Copyright 2015 Association Internationale Via Francigena | All Rights Reserved | Disclaimer | Credits: Andrea Biello